In testing, one size never fits all. Organizations and programs are unique and what works for others may or may not work for you. Determining the best type of assessment for a given credential and knowing how to construct assessments to meet customer expectations and industry standards requires unbiased vision and a wealth of experience. Unlike other companies who steer all programs to the same answer, The Caviart Group finds the assessment approach that is best for each program.
Traditional and Performance Based Testing
The Caviart Group has created tests for millions of candidates in all types of professions, in hundreds of countries and multiple languages. We have years of experience with all types of assessment models from simple multiple-choice and other selected response tests, to constructed response tests and simulations.
We have developed assessments that include multiple types of stimuli and responses including images, audio and video stimuli, and three-D interactive graphics. We have also developed patient case management problems, computer simulation problems, video-based and live performance tests.
We have also developed non-test based assessment programs including oral examinations, portfolio review programs and work sample assessments processes.
Analysis is the search for truth, and analyses for licensure examinations must be designed not only to seek this truth but also to provide the information required to ensure the legal defensibility of the results.
The analysis normally begins with a panel of subject matter experts working with a testing expert to develop a list of all the work activities or tasks that must be performed by a person in that occupation. This list is then turned into a survey instrument so that the opinions of many practitioners can be collected.
Test Design
The results from analysis are used to design a plan for the examination which identifies the topics that will be covered on the examination. The plan will also specify the number of test questions that will appear on the examination from each of the tasks or topics included in the outline. Following the specifications in the exam blueprint will ensure that every edition of the exam covers the same subject matter in the same proportions.
Test Development
After the test has been designed, subject matter experts (SMEs) are recruited to write the test questions. After the test items have been drafted, they are professionally edited and then peer reviewed by SMEs. The editing process ensures that the items are consistent in style and format, that they are grammatically correct, and that they clearly present the problem that the examinee is to solve.
Items are normally pilot-tested or field-tested prior to being used on an examination. This process allows test developers to evaluate the item's performance prior to including it as a scored item on an examination.
Test Administration
We have administered tests in more than 120 countries around the world in all types of environments. We will help you determine the best test administration process for your program whether the test is in a computer-based, paper-based or performance-based format.
Test Delivery
Whether in-person or remotely proctored, The Caviart Group facilitates all forms of test delivery. Whether we deliver your test directly or through one of our partnerships with the world’s leading test delivery companies we ensure that each test administration meets the highest standards of security, has the most advanced technology, and offers the highest level of support to candidates.
Results Analysis and Psychometrics
The Caviart Group test developers and psychometricians have years of experience in constructing tests to meet program needs and industry best practices. All of our programs are designed and developed to be legally defensible as valid assessments of candidate ability.
We monitor and analyze initial and ongoing test results to ensure that items are performing correctly and that the tests continue to perform as expected. Our statistical evolution process ensures that tests continue to improve statistically with each edition.
“I am grateful to The Caviart Group for skillfully leading us through the process and for your kindness and patience along the way.”
Institute of Certified Professional Managers